Fransisca Rahardja

The competitive world


Special contribution


Task 8 Report

no tugas score
1 Personal iDu 100
2 Iduhelp
3 Rinfo personal use + 5 new Rinfo users
4 Discussion
5 iME personal use + 1 new users
6 iRME personal use + 1 new iRME users
7 Widuri personal use + 1 new users
8 Report
9 Special contribution


7. Widuri personal user + 1 new users

1. Menjadi Widuri user.

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2. Membuat/menyempurnakan Widuri personal

bisa di lihat disini

3. Membantu 1 orang PribadiRaharja menjadi Widuri users dan melakukan langkah kedua.

Untuk pertanyaan dalam hal ini atau hal apapun di ilearning, silahkan ke iDuhelp untuk minta pertolongan.

Untuk standar jawaban idu, bisa di lihat disini 


Task 6 (iRME personal use + 1 new iRME users)

1. Photo profile connect to gravatar

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2. Contact information harus diisu full dan benar

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3. Isi CV dengan benar



5. Ime personal use + 1 new user

1. masuk ke

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2. Register memakai Rinfo

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3. menunggu konfirmasi email dari rinfo

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4.  kembali ke untuk login menggunakan username dan password baru.

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5. Dalam web ime nya tolong diisi pengalaman pembelajaran iLearning.

6. Ada huruf yang di bold, italic dan underline. Ada link dan ada gambar.


ILearning was a very elegant types of learning. I think it really supports the technology education. It allows people to write and share.


According to my experience writing and sharing has open up great view for people understanding and create ideas, it also allows them to invent great things.


Technology was definitely one of the great arts that the universe gave us. The Raharja 10 pillars was an excellent service that all of the Raharja use. It motivates people around.


Their work was definitely something that they admire, it was something that they are passionate in. Once they touch almost can never put it down, it something that they can sacrifice from their own will to play and share with the world and at the same time creating a better future.


Ilearning completes our life and with Raharja we thrive and become the best of the best.

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7. Gravatar harus dilakukan dengan benar.

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8. Mengajak 2 orang PribadiRaharja yang belum memiliki iMe, untuk melakukan hal dari 1 sd 7 yang disebut diatas.

9. Ada comment yang ditulis di post sendiri dan di post teman di .

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Badminton was known to be the fastest ball between all the sports. In fact the thing that we need to obtain was not much different from other sports.
We need both inside court (technique) and outside court (physical) training. What we do in the inside court requires high concentration because we do fight around with our minds in order to win.
Physical training play apart when both of use have the same level of intelligence or either both of us can’t kill one another. Physical training is badminton consist of running, skipping, legs agility, hand agility, weight training, shadow.
Running however allow us to concentrate and endure during the long rally. studies have proved that running was design to make our heart stronger and make us durable in physical matters.
After a few tournaments, I decided to do additional training on jogging my first intention was to reduce my weight, but instead of only losing a few kilos of weight I also gain more endurance in my court, so I was able to get more consistent then others. I too had concentrate on my lower leg when jogging and make them stronger that adds up to my reaction.
From then on I decided to do jogging consistently to keep improving my endurance, I also compete with some others for motivation so that I can hit higher level faster. I had been able to improve my running from 12 rounds church in 38 minutes into 13 rounds and more in 40 min. I am so looking forward for more improvement.



Date Types of Training Amount of Time/Counting Improvement
12 November 2013  Running  40 mins  13 rounds church Consistently 3 mins each rounds
 13 November 2013  Skipping single steps  30 mins  No improvement/ Same timing
 13 November 2013  Tepok Tembok  500  Succesful trap needs one important quality, the same quality any trick or illusion needs. Misdirection
 14 November 2013  Running  25 mins  No Improvement/Jogging to/To maintain condition
 17 november 2013  tepok tembok 500  No improvement/ mintain condition
 18 november 2013 shadow 200 exhanging attack and defend position, makin it beneficial for doubles and single at the same time



Credits and Passion

Every 10 plus is equal to 1 SC. I need to complete a certain SC to go where I desire to go.

These are the amount of SC I need to complete before I can go to the occasions that I list:





Go with Friends (Near)



Go to International championship that I have never been



Go for first Sirnas in 2014



Go for other sirnas



Go with friends (Far)


1 SC = 200000 rupiah.

All subject to further considerations and approval.

These are the types and amount of training for me to get plus and SC:


Types of Training





Win a game (with good iMe recording)






30 Min 





30 Min 




Improvements (with iMe Story)





Tepok Tembok 





Double Steps Skipping





Sit Up










Accuracy (with iMe Story)





Discovery (with iMe Story)





Task 2 (iDu help)

Melakukan 5 online iDuHelp!

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Melakukan 5 offline iDuHelp!
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semua 10 pillar IT yang di buat oleh Raharja sangat lah luar biasa, apa yg mereka bisa lakukan dan pelayanan mereka sangat lah menakjubkan.


Task 3 (Rinfo personal use + 5 new Rinfo users)

Baca dan pahami tentang

1. memiliki email Rinfo dan say hello ke Nalinica

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2. Dapatkan 5 rinfo new users. arahkan 5 users ini untuk say Hello yang ditujukan ke kamu dan cc ke [email protected]

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semua laporan dalam RiJP ini dilaporkan dalam bentuk http:”untungrahardja.ilearning .me/2013/10/17/standar-jawaban-idu/